Forests and climate change (including REDD+)
Some of the recent assignments undertaken by Acacia in the field of renewable energy and climate change include:
- Team member for global evaluation of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (with country visits to Mexico, DR Congo and Nepal)
Client – World Bank
- Prepared an application for EU support towards an NGO project in Uganda and Tanzania that links community forestry with carbon payments under “Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation” (REDD)
Client – CARE International
- Prepared a concept note for the EC for forest governance, PFM and REDD in East Africa working through the Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda Forest Working Groups
Client – CARE International
- Team leader for preparation of “Issues Note” on social issues related to the Tanzanian governments preparation for REDD-plus
Client – World Bank
- Prepared a successful application to the Norwegian Government that links participatory forest management with funding from REDD through the voluntary market in north eastern Tanzania.
Client – Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
- Supported the development of a REDD-plus scoping / screening tool, designed to identify potential projects in the public, private or NGO sectors with the potential to generate positive outcomes for both people and forests
Client – Forest Trends, USA
- Wrote chapter on community engagement for “Building Forest Carbon Projects – A Step-by-Step Guide”
Client – Forest Trends, USA
- Participated as REDD specialist in the first global review of the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Client – World Bank, in collaboration with Baastel, Canada
- Supporting the Tanzanian and Nepal governments to develop a unified roadmap for the implementation of social and environmental safeguards in national REDD-plus programmes
Client – CARE International and Community Climate and Biodiversity Alliance
- Team member for assessment of opportunity costs related to REDD+ in Tanzania with particular emphasis on costs related to improved forest management, including community forestry
Client – UN-REDD Programme
- Participated in the Inception Review of the Harapan Rainforest Project, a REDD+ project funded by Danida Fast Track Climate Funds, located in the Harapan forest, South Sumatra, Indonesia
- Supported the Office of Climate Change and Development (Government of Papua New Guinea) to develop social and environmental safeguards for the national REDD+ programme
Client – UN-REDD
- Supporting the UN-REDD International Secretariat to develop a coherent theory of change for their 2016-2020 programme strategy as well as an accompanying Results Based Management framework
Client – UN-REDD
- Undertook an evaluation of nine REDD+ pilot projects implemented by NGOs across Tanzania designed to inform the national REDD+ readiness process, preparing a synthesis report as well as an overall lessons learned review document.
Client – Embassy of Norway, Tanzania
- Due-diligence review for IFC regarding the issue of bonds for the purchase of emission reduction credits for the Kasigau/Wildlife Works REDD+ project in Taita Taveta, Kenya.
Client – IFC
Click here for a sample of recent work carried out by Acacia in the field of renewable energy and climate change