Conservation, environment & livelihoods
Some recent assignments undertaken by Acacia in this area include:
- Production of a study that assessed conservation-development linkages around two national parks in south-western Uganda, known as important gorilla habitats (in partnership with CARE, International Gorilla Conservation Programme and Uganda Wildlife Authority).
Client – International Institute for Environment and Development
- Facilitated an Africa-wide symposium on best practices on integrating livelihoods and poverty concerns into conservation programmes working with Great Apes
Client – International Institute for Environment and Development
- Preparation of a policy brief / issues note on the linkages between sustainable forest management and food security
Client – Food and Agricultural Organisation)
- Identified opportunities for improving co-ordination, collaboration and communication among NGOs working on bonobo conservation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and linking these organisations with national and regional initiatives related to environment and development
Client – Arcus Foundation, USA)
- Team leader for design of five-year Natural Resources Management Programme in Cambodia
Client – Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Team member for Appraisal of Environmental / Natural Resources Sector Programme in Zambia
Client – Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Team member for review of Natural Resources Management Programme in Kenya
Client – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
- Strategic and thematic review of IUCN’s Forest Conservation Programme and its links with renewable energy
Client – IUCN, Gland (Switzerland)
- Final evaluation of the Participatory Environmental Management Project implemented by World Wide Fund for Nature and Nature Uganda
Client – Worldwide Fund for Nature – Denmark
- Mid term review of the Allanblackia II project, supported by the development of a supply chain of Allanblackia tree seed oil for export to European markets
Client – Unilever & IUCN
- Review of lessons learned in the implementation of the Equitable Payments for Watershed Services Project
Client – WWF Tanzania and CARE Tanzania
- Final evaluation of the Equitable Payments for Watershed Services Project implemented by CARE and WWF in Morogoro Tanzania
Client – CARE Denmark
- Mid Term evaluation of the Securing Livelihoods from Watershed Payments project implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania
Client – Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK
- Developed a (successful) full proposal submission to the European Union involving biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods, with a particular emphasis on participatory forest management
Client – Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
- Annual reviews (in 2014 and 2015) of the Indonesia Environment Programme (Phase III), with particular focus on forests, natural resource management and climate change adaptation
Client – Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Appraisal of the IUCN-implemented “Mangroves For the Future programme” (Phase III) that works across Tsunami-affected coastal communities in SE Asia
Client – Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Final evaluation – IRDNC Sustainable Land and Natural Resource Use in Namibia / WWF-UK Big Lottery Project.
Client – IRDNC, Namibia & WWF-UK