Community based forest management / decentralised natural resources management
Some recent assignments conducted in the fields of community based natural resource management include the following:
- Intermittent, backstopping support to the Tanzanian government’s Participatory Forest Management programme
Client – Danida / Government of Tanzania
- The development of a component document for Danida and other development partners support to Decentralised Natural Resource Management, Tanzania. 2009 – 2012.
Client – Danida
- Preparation of a study designed to assess the poverty / livelihood impacts of community forestry and community fisheries in Cambodia
Client – Danish Embassy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Designed a national conditional block grant mechanism to local governments with the objective of supporting community based natural resources management across mainland Tanzania
Client – Embassy of Norway, Tanzania
- Undertook a review of Community Based Natural Resources Management in East and Southern Africa
Client – International Institute for Environment and Development, UK
- Documented rights based approaches in natural resource management, drawing on experiences from Uganda, Ghana and Nepal
Clients – Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) and CARE International
- Supported WWF in Democratic Republic of Congo to critically review their CBNRM strategy at project, landscape and national levels and develop a more coherent approach
Client – Worldwide Fund for Nature, USA
- Review of WWF’s support to participatory forest management in the Mau-Mara Ecosystem, with a view to developing recommendations for a future, landscape level programme
Client: WWF-Germany
Click here, or on the image below, for a sample of recent work conducted by Acacia in the field of community based natural resources management.