About us
Acacia Natural Resource Consultants Ltd. is owned and managed by Tom Blomley. Tom has over twenty years of professional experience working in the natural resource management sector, of which fourteen have been spent living and working in East Africa. Throughout this period, he has been responsible for designing, managing and implementing programmes and projects related to community based natural resource management programmes, integrated conservation and development, forest governance and forest sector reforms.
To date, Acacia has offered short term consultancy services in the following countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Niger, Ghana, Cameroon, Liberia, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Zambia, South Africa, Mozambique, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal and Papua New Guinea.
Acacia operates through an informal network of associate consultants based in the UK, East Africa and South East Asia who are engaged to undertake particular tasks on a demand-driven basis. To find out more about consultants and their profiles, please click here.
Acacia works for a range of clients, including bilateral development partners, multi-lateral agencies as well as international and national NGOs. Clients to date include the following institutions:
– The Department for International Development (UK)
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark (Danida)
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway (Norad)
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland (Finnida)
– The International Finance Corporation (IFC)
– The Food and Agriculture Organisation (of the United Nations)
– International Institute for Environment and Development (UK)
– CARE International – Poverty, Environment and Climate Change Network
– World Conservation Union (IUCN)
– Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
– World Wildlife Fund (USA), World Wildlife Fund (Denmark), World Wildlife Fund (UK) and World Wildlife Fund (Germany)
– The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility